Feeling overworked,


stressed out or

maxxed out?

Stop struggling today!

Find Out How My Clients Transform Their Life Challenges

Into Massive Clarity, Direction, & Purpose

Heather renee spiritual healing mental health therapist san diego


From Trauma



Restore Past Relationships

Find Direction & Purpose

Get Re-grounded

We Specialize in Core Healing strategically assisting successful people just like "YOU" to navigate rebalance and access true fulfillment in YOUR life so you can continue to make an even greater impact in your world.

Effectively rebalance negative thought patterns, heal painful memories, create healthy boundaries, and dramatically shift your inner landscape all the while creating something you would like to have in the world. A passion project.
These are grounded practical effective unique tools that will create major mind-blowing shifts step by step.

We are based in San Diego yet work worldwide.

In-Person and Via Zoom!

Spiritual Library

Carefully crafted resources by Heather Renee to help you in your healing journey.


Guided audio meditation for people struggling with anxiety, depression, self sabotage...


Webinar for people feeling ungrounded and out of touch with themselves, aiming to...

Supernatural Healing Guide

Ebook for those who are healers starting out looking to enhance their...

Your Instructor

Heather Renee

"I see the potential of your greatness so clearly, and I know first hand what it's like to be lost. I'm here to guide you back to your true self."

  • 25 Years Coaching and Healing

  • Thousands of clients

  • Trauma Specialist

  • Master Strategist

  • Speaker and Coach

A Gift For You


Transform your life with this short, yet powerful 11 day prayer.

Challenge yourself and see how you evolve!

Get To The Source Of What Is Stopping You

Listen to these testimonials!